Procedimientos de trabajo abierto por objetivos comunes

Pienso que necesitamos procedimientos para trabajo abierto, por objetivos comunes, que nos permitan a las empresas y personas de la red usuaria de monedas sociales (G1), establecer y desarrollar objetivos comunes que fortalezcan el sentido de nuestras interacciones.

Un punto de partida podría ser los procedimientos de trabajo abierto que usan los programadores de G1. Imagino que usan algún metodología de trabajo de Open software.

Lo que faltaría sería completarlos y validarlos de la misma manera que hoy están validados los procedimientos para trabajar por wikipedia, pero además habilitar la posibilidad de pago por trabajos concretos, previo acuerdo con actores de la economía real, personas y empresas ligadas a G1 que esperan resolver o avanzar en un propósito común.

Estos mismos procedimientos podrían ser usados para estructurar, de manera abierta y dinámica, objetivos y trabajos comunes con iniciativas con objetivos similares, como moneda PAR.

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We are very influenced by the logiciel libre methodologies, pretty much everything we do is on our GitLab Forge even most of the discussion happen in french on the duniter forum.

I’m not sure which wikipedia workflows you’re refering to and what you would like to apply it for.

However, we think it’s time to open our work to other cultures and countries, and we would be happy to set up with you a way to share our work. I think it would start by focusing our effort on communication like websites and public resources (videos, presentations…). How would you do this?

I’m writing in :uk: english because I think it’s easier for you to read but I can write in :fr: french if you prefer. Despite I can not write :es: spanish, I can keep reading in this language with the help of a dictionary ^^

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great. Yes I could do webpages and youtube videos… but as you have seen in the work I sent you by email, I am far away from a professional on those tasks,

But if you have written procedures, instructions or rules for open collaboration on programming, I would really appreciate if you can send me links. (I went into Github Duniter and I did not find anything about it)

If you send me links, I hope I can continue working from it…

I have one complete proposal, but it has no value at all if nobody uses it. Let us start from something that you are already using it, and let us make it more clear, more accessible for others and let us make good new things happen…

After having those rules, approved by your team, my first desire is to call more programmers to the challenge…The set of rules should make it easy to understand the real targets… It is not only about another currency or money supply…

Thanks a lot.


I still do not understand the kind of contributions you’d like to make. Can you provide a concrete example?

Do you have technical skills? If so, there is a contribution guide beginning here : :fr: Duniter | Contribuer. If not, your contributions to the life of the community can still be valuable, but I’m not the person to contact since I’m more focused on technical parts.

I meant that there is currently no way to automatically bring contributions made in one language to the other one. For example, if someone improves the duniter or monnaie libre website, submits a video, writes a flyer, or posts on social media, it will probably stay untranslated. There is a need to set up a workflow ensuring that all relevant contribution is shared with everybody and that’s more a question of logistics and contributors than technical skills.

How many programmers are working for G1… I could imagine more than 20 …
Are you working ¨ with a boss¨ or a hierarchical structure ? I could imagine that you don’t…

So I assume you are using a kind of procedures, rules, or working agreement that allow programmers to contribute…
I live in Israel, just one hour more than you… maybe it will be easy to talk on the phone…+972 58 4881158.

Thanks a lot…

@administradores I wanted to send this as private message but could not due to newcomer restrictions

I think my operator will charge me if I call to a country outside Europe. But we can have a video call as soon as you want later this evening at this url [edit] meeting done!

I will explain you the way we work together.

For me it is amazing the luck of clarity of motivations and purposes…Many people agree the need of open working procedures for common targets, but no one else showed up in this forum in order to work for it. Any way many people join projects when they are already going on.

As we talked, you prefer that we fo forward openly here.
Could you please share all the links and procedures that explain the way all the G1´s programmers are working together?

I remember you that I have a proposal for Open Working procedures for common purposes (or targets), but I will start from your way of working…
As I have told you before, if we really want to improve common wellness, human development and/or sustainability, we must connect those common targets with ¨the real economy¨ (with the fact that we have to make a living and pay bills), and at the same time be able to share the work openly… If the purpose and targets ¨ are common and concrete¨ (not beautiful speech used for ego, academic or political purposes), we should be able to work openly, measure the benefits openly, and pay the efforts done…

So, please share with us your way of working and let us improve it, (at least myself, if nobody else join us).

Once you share it with us, I will promote this forum again with the hope that someone else join us.
(but I will work on this anyway).

Thanks a lot.

If you want me to get notified, use the @HugoTrentesaux tag. We already share all we have on, and as I told you, any developer is already familiar with this way of working using issues / branches / merge requests.

Thanks @HugoTrentesaux
I have a question for you.
Is it possible to manage tokens (the junes) in other places using the same system as in Cesium with a software invitation to incorporate the keys of a person in other plattforms.
We have an idea of a market place of values and we would like to introduce a token with the same blockchain or system used by duniter for a june. The way to engage to the Cesium, specifectly to the change purse of a key directly using blockchain. ¿Is this possible?
Hope you understand the question, I´m not a developer but I want to introduce libre currency in our exchanges!.

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Hi @Cordeliaze,

Duniter software is rather experimental and was created when the marketplace standards did not exist, so it has a custom non-standard API. Despite junes could theoretically be managed from elsewhere, it would require some coding. A good technical starting point would be the DuniterPy python library which already powers the Silkaj command line client. But in any way, this would need time and technical skills.

I hope it answers your question.

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I understand that there is no API created to conect an aplication to the Cesium purchase so if you want to combine It to a virtual Market place you need a software development and technical knowledge on the Duniter structure based in Python.
I am aware on future changes in the system of the G1 blockchain (I dont know how o Who), but It Will really help to try an API that can be use with a Plugin to incorporate the G1 as a token (to give value) in a Webpage.
This could be posible? Is It necessary? Who Can make this devoloent?
Im thinking in the elgg platform (free software) and use the G1 as a token to use its value on this platform.
I world kindly request you to send this demand to the software teams that make all this possible.
Also I ask for tour apreciations of what I try to explain in my por English. Iban writing from Spain).
I colaborate in other ways making the G1 grow, and this demand could be a good way to give more facilities.
Thanks for tour work @HugoTrentesaux !:smiley::+1:

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There is no “software team”, only individual contributors who spend some of their time adding features and maintain existing ones. If you know someone with the technical skills needed to integrate Duniter payment into elgg platform and with the willingness of doing so, you can redirect him on the duniter forum for developers ( and I can help him getting started.

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Yo también.

Suponiendo que te refieres a proyectos no-informáticos como podrían ser las distintas iniciativas que se vayan generando aquí en el foro, continuo…

El mundo de software ya se organiza con herramientas varias. Algunos, como Git, están muy enfocados al desarrollo de software aunque aún así se pueden hacer servir en proyectos no informáticos, y otros se prestan del mundo de los ‘mortales’ como los Kanban.

Es un temazo todo eso y se dificulta, desde mi punto de vista, porque los informáticos tienen sus preferencias sobre cual es la mejor manera de hacer las cosas. Uno dice “Yo prefiero esta manera de hacer porque tiene la metodología incluye X” y otro dice “Sin la funcionalidad Y no puedes hacer tal cosa por lo tanto X no sirve”. La discusión puede llegar a ser eterno. Incluso he visto proyectos que ni siquiera han superado la fase de una idea inicial porque la gente no han podido llegar a un acuerdo sobre la herramienta(s) de gestión.

Ya que los informáticos son los que ‘saben’, la gente no-informática se dejan guiar por sus consejos, consejos que a menudo no tienen en cuenta a la gente sin conocimientos elevados sobre el uso de una herramienta u otro. Y aquí el debate.

Mis dos céntimos.

  • Git está muy bien pero tiene una curva de aprendizaje muy elevada. Yo, que soy informático y uso Git todos los días, me supera.
  • Entornos como Redmine, Phabricator, etc… requirieren más esfuerzo para organizar la organización que simplemente ponerte a organizar.
  • Kanban es fácil de aprender, visual, y útil. Yo apostaría por ello. Un ejemplo sería

Ala! Que empiece el “X no porque Y sí”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Supongo que más bien esto se trataría de formar un pequeño grupo de trabajo para valorar las opciones y después presentar los resultados/recomendación a la comunidad G1 en general.

Ok @HugoTrentesaux we are not a hurry, but I count on you when we find an specialist on free software that knows how to work with this tools, and wants to use them with us.
We hace already a plattform and as I told you during 2022 we want to introduce an exchange system combining duniter system and the Junes.

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Sorry for not answering before…I did not receive any notification from the forum, so I just saw your comments today that I entered to this forum.

Yes. the challenge in not only for programing or open software, but also for other projects (hopefully very connected with the real production economy).

If we would have the Procedures for Open Working, Cordeliaze would go into it and would open a ¨New Working Area.¨… everybody could see the challenge very easily… and propose Tasks to performance that ¨the community that support the Working Area¨ would approved or help to perform… … with clear targets… with some responsibility about the dead lines dates…

For me the starting point the the purpose… and hopefully connected with concrete people needs and real economy…

I entered to … Maybe it is because I am not a programmer, but in that place is not clear the purpose, the targets, the tasks, the pending challenges …

I have a proposal for open working procedures , but I would love to have a meeting that one of you can explain me (or us) the way of working or the frame for gather strengths in git…

please feel free to contact me in miguelmna@gmail,com or +972 58 4881158

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Sorry, I can only help for Free (Libre) Open Source Software (FLOSS). GitLab is a tool mostly dedicated to software projects. Most programmers are already familiar with it (or at least it’s private analog GitHub).

my best wishes for all of you…!!
great let us work in FLOSS…
Despite we had a conversation it seems to me that we are not going forward… …G1, Moneda Par and tens other social currency projects have some common purposes and targets and I understood you agreed with me that we could enable and create an easy environment to work for them, to gather strengths…
Maybe for you and @buttle and @Cordeliaze we do not have common targets?
And if we have common targets… why each project is working totally separately… ?.? For me the answer is that we lack of clear procedures for open working… … according to purposes… to clear targets…
Please let me know… or call me… thanks.

Hola @Mignov, no te preocupes que me pondré en contacto contigo, tengo tu email y teléfono, pero me gustaría hacer un ejercicio y plasmar por escrito lo que pretendo a través de la G1.
En Telegram estoy como @Cordeliaze igualmente. No se el resto sí lo utiliza (Telegram).
Saludos y gran labor intentando el looking foward.
me parece fundamental!

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